論文掲載(日独協会) | Article Published

熊本日独協会会報に論文掲載 | An article published in the bulletin of Japanisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft Kumamoto 

熊本日独協会にて創立60周年会報に掲載 | Published an article in the 60th anniversary bulletin of the Japan-German Society of Kumamoto

1962年に設立され,60年の歴史を有する熊本日独協会様の創立60周年記念会報にF.I.Y.メンバー今井華,原口碧生,園田千夏内藤豊)が執筆した論文が掲載されました. | F.I.Y. members (Hana Imai, Aoi Haraguchi, Chinatsu Sonoda, and Yutaka Naito) wrote an article for the 60th anniversary of the Kumamoto Japan-German Society, which was established in 1962 and has a 60-year history.
