つながりを科学する座談会にメンバーが参加 | F.I.Y. Members participate in roundtable discussion on the science of connection

科学とはなにか?つながりとはなにか?いかに持続するつながりをつくるのか?について考える | Thinking about what science is, what connections are, and how to create sustainable connections

DX from Kumamoto、肥後銀行、NTT西日本、崇城大学IoT・AIセンターが主催する高校生向け「つながりを科学する座談会」にF.I.Y.高校生メンバー4名が参加しました。




Four F.I.Y. high school student members participated in the "Roundtable Discussion on the Science of Connection" for high school students organized by DX from Kumamoto, Higo Bank, NTT West, and Sojo University's IoT and AI Center.

In the first part, they learned from Professor Takashige Hoshiai of Sojo University's Faculty of Informatics about "what science is," "what it means to science connections," and "how to create sustainable and weak connections to emerge innovations.

In the second part, participants experienced "Go," a brain game using connections, and learned about connections between Go stones from professional Go player Shiho Hoshiai and former Waseda University Go Club captain Shingo Hoshiai.

The next connection was also made... Together with Sakura Takachiho, a radio personality who participated in the event, we have decided to broadcast a radio program once a month featuring high school students who participated in this event and Shingo Hoshiai.

座談会での様子 | One scene at the Event

J:COM熊本ジモトトピックスにてイベントの様子が放送されました | The event was broadcast on J:COM Kumamoto Jimoto Topics.