高校生向けSCB講座を実施 | SCB Seminar for High School Students

2024年3月31日にF.I.Y.メンバー有志が参加するSCB理論に関する講座が崇城大学IoT・AIセンターにて開催されました。SCB理論(地域コミュニティブランド:Social Community Brand=SCB)は、地域イノベーションや地域活性化のための理論で、様々な地域資源同士のつながりによって新たな価値観(イノベーション)を生み出すことを提唱しています。



On March 31, 2024, a seminar on SCB theory was held at Sojo University IoT/AI Center for the voluntary participants of F.I.Y. members. SCB theory advocates the creation of new values (innovation) through connections among various local resources.

This time, a total of 10 participants, including seminar students from Sojo University's Hoshiai Naito Laboratory, learned about the two concepts of "virtualization" and "systematization," which are necessary for building connections for innovation emergence. They also learned about examples of innovations born from connections, and took the "New Combination Quiz," a quiz of selected examples from approximately 200 examples, to understand concrete examples of innovation emergence in the region. Finally, participants learned about the connections that create innovation through an exercise in creating an innovative project based on the theme of chocolate and the school festival.

What they learned here will be put to good use at the cross-industrial exchange meeting to be held in the summer between companies, government, university students, and high school students in Kumamoto. We look forward to seeing the high school students who participated in the program do their best at the cross-industrial exchange meeting.